Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Hero!

My true Hero! My husband, Dewayne! That is after God! God brought Dewayne into my life, to save me from myself! I was on a road to destruction. I didn't care if I lived or died! It had been about 3 months since Vance was killed in a four-wheel accident! We had been married for only 5 weeks to the date of his death. I prayed, asked, begged God to help me through this. I was only 19 years old, not old enough to know how to handle my grief, but maybe you never are old enough to know what to do with grief! The grief that takes your breath away and you just want to crawl into a ball and not let anybody in, or love anyone else, because what if they are taken from you, too! God heard my cry, and a few weeks later, Dewayne was in my life! Did I get what people said? He's only been dead for 3 months, and she's already with somebody else? YES!!! But God knew what I needed, and He brought him into my life! He saved my life! Three months later we were married, November 30th we will have been married for 22 years! Besides my salvation, Dewayne was the best gift that God could have given me! I needed him despertly!! I still do! He told me when we got married that all that he would ask of me is to be on the other side of the river holding a towel for him! Having his back, taking care of him, loving him more than myself! Have I fulfilled that promise? Sometimes, but I also let him down! I am only human, but I hate when I hurt him, so I try to always be in his corner, cheering him on, and Praising God for a miracle! Jackie Dewayne Uselton, I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind! Thank you for being my hero!

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